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Become a member

The main reason students do not finish medical school in Central America is they are expected to uproot their life to a different city and pay for rent, transportation, food, office supplies and later in their medical studies also buy medical equipment while still being a main provider for their families back home. Medical school around the world is a full time ordeal. Any added responsibility presents a burden which makes an already challenging task, barely accomplishable, forcing many students to choose between their studies and their families.

Our goal is to free students from the extra responsibilities so they can fully concentrate on what their main job should be… becoming a doctor!

…and we can´t do this by ourselves, we need YOUR help!

We are looking for people to join our monthly membership at $12/month. This amount suffices to sponsor part of a student’s expenses and you will be able to track their progress through medicine school. The minimum time period to join is a total of six months to ensure the students have at least one semester’s worth of support. We have chosen 6 months as this equates to one semester’s worth and provides stability to a student for a reasonable amount of time.

If you like our ideas and would like to support a student of your choice, you can contact us for more details.

If becoming a member sounds overwhelming, you may do a donation in any amount you desire. We encourage any and all amounts as every little bit helps!

Facilitamed eV

  • Email:
  • Address: Im Rotbad 47, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany
  • Bank Account: Sparkasse Tuebingen
  • IBAN: DE11 6415 0020 0004 5746 59

For more Information: