About Us

Facilitamed is a non-profit committed to helping the formation of future doctors by providing a medical education which in turn will allow them to better help their communities

Our Philosophy

We believe a college education is one of the most important tools to help people make a difference in their families and their communities. This is why we want to enable medical students to achieve their goal. We believe medicine students love to help, want to help, and are capable of helping. We believe medicine students want a better life for their parents and friends and prefer to live in thriving, inspiring communities.

We believe that by helping medical students complete their education, we will be helping, not only the communities around them, but also current and future generations.

Our Values

  • Learning: We believe life-long learning is crucial to effect any change. Not only for the students, parents, or communities, but our Board of Directors, staff, and incredible supporters.
  • Responsibility: We believe that promises carry their own weight and people should make a good-faith attempt to fulfill them. Responsibility creates a duty to act, which is the force behind the fulfillment of promises.
  • Transparency: We focus on the process and the result to uphold the quality standards of our work. This is our way to honor the honesty of our relationships and we commit to continuously improve our programs and results.
  • Respect: We believe there is room for everyone to improve and this success does not have to come at the cost of someone else’s.
  • Solidarity: As doctors, the work we do is always for the benefit of someone else. We believe this solidarity naturally extends beyond the realm of the profession, and believe doctors will continuously encourage the help of others within their communities.

Board of Directors

Rodrigo Sandoval

Rodrigo Sandoval
Co-Founder and CEO

Rodrigo Sandoval founded Facilitamed together with Charlotte Sandoval in 2021. He is a Guatemalan and has been involved with various foundations throughout his life. During medical school in Guatemala City, he witnessed the difficulties fellow students face in order to continue to study and also the benefits that a university-level education can bring to a person and their family.

He currently works as an adult and children cardiac surgeon in the Tuebingen University Hospital in Germany.

Mark is a doctor who attended medical school in Germany and currently works as a resident in the anesthesiology department in the Tuebingen University Hospital. He was able to complete medical school thanks to financial support he obtained from the German government, without this support he would have had to give up one of his lifelong dreams, becoming a doctor. Mark has lived through benefits of receiving financial support from an institution and is committed on paying that forward, he understands the frustrations that may come from financial difficulties in relation to his studies and is committed to help others achieve their goals of becoming doctors like himself.

Marc Simon

Marc Simon
Vice President

Charlotte Sandoval

Charlotte Sandoval
Co-Founder and Treasurer

Charlotte has been involved from an early age in various NGOs to help people in need. During her first visit to Guatemala she observed first-hand the abundance of people in need, which sparked her interest in helping them through education.

She is a doctor who attended medical school in Germany and currently works as a resident in the anesthesiology department in the Tuebingen University Hospital.

Our Story

Charlotte and Rodrigo have participated with NGO´s for many years in projects that focus on helping people in different areas (health, social, economy). Charlotte has participated as a volunteer and paramedic in Germany and Rodrigo as a translator, constructor, administrator and doctor in Guatemala, El Salvador, Switzerland, and Germany. They share a common passion for helping people in need whenever it is possible.

In 2021 during Charlottes first time visiting Guatemala, she witnessed the difficulties that a big part of the population confronts on a daily basis. Rodrigo was active with a Swiss foundation which focuses on providing primary-level education for children in Nicaragua (Amigos Nicas) and they were looking for a way to help these children have a high-school and university-level education. This is how Facilitamed was born with the aim of helping medical students finish their studies and be factors of change in their communities.

Charlotte and Rodrigo are both doctors who live and work in Germany, which is why they decided to start this project together with other doctors and help medical students complete their studies. Rodrigo is Guatemalan and lived most of his life there; so they decided to take advantage of his contacts in El Salvador and Nicaragua and not limit Facilitamed´s help to a single country, but expand it to a whole region, Central America!

We need your support today!

Facilitamed eV

  • Email: facilitamed.ev@gmail.com
  • Address: Im Rotbad 47, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany
  • Bank Account: Sparkasse Tuebingen
  • IBAN: DE11 6415 0020 0004 5746 59

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